EAS Support

EAS support for piloting real-time economy solutions
Lisako OÜ is conducting a development project within the period from 01.06.2023 to 31.12.2023, the purpose of which is the development of business software. The implementation of the project is supported by EAS in the scope of up to 100,000 euros within the support measure for piloting real-time economy solutions. 

EAS reaalajamajanduse lahenduste piloteerimise toetus
Lisako OÜ viib perioodil 01.06.2023 kuni 31.12.2023 läbi arendusprojekti, mille eesmärgiks on äritarkvara arendus. Projekti elluviimist toetab EAS reaalajamajanduse lahenduste piloteerimise toetusmeetme raames kuni 100 000 euro ulatuses.

Development Support

During the period 1.07.2020 - 30.06.2023, Lisako OÜ will implement product development project No. EU60130, the aim of which is to develop a new product line for cranes. As a result of the project, two new high-capacity car cranes (L and Z cranes) will be developed and added to the company's product range, which are intended for use on timber trucks and forest trailers. The new own products create the necessary preconditions for entering a new field of activity, which is professional forestry that has significantly higher workloads than the company's current forestry equipment allows. The resources of the European Regional Development Fund are supported by the co-financing of 365,723.25 euros from the product development support measure of Enterprise Estonia. Funded within the EU framework of reacting to COVID-19. 

EAS tootearenduse toetus

Lisako OÜ viib perioodil 1.07.2020-30.06.2023 ellu tootearendusprojekti nr EU60130, mille eesmärgiks on välja töötada uus kraanade tootesari. Projekti tulemusena arendab ja lisandub ettevõtte tootevalikusse kaks uut kõrgendatud töövõimega autokraanat (L- ja Z-kraanad), mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks metsaveoautodele ja metsaveohaagistele. Uued omatooted loovad vajaminevad eeldused uude tegevusvaldkonda sisenemiseks, milleks on professionaalne metsamajandus, kus on oluliselt suuremad töömahud, kui ettevõtte tänased metsamajandusseadmed võimaldavad. Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditega toetatakse projekti EAS tootearenduse toetuse meetmest 365 723,25 eurose kaasrahastusega. Rahastatakse liidu COVID-19 pandeemiale reageerimise raames.

EAS Support for Digitalization Roadmap
Lisako OÜ received support from the Digitalization Roadmap fund. Within the framework of the project a digitalization roadmap was created. Support sum was 13 160 euros and it was supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

EAS Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetus
Lisako OÜ sai toetust Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetusmeetmest. Projekti raames koostati digitaliseerimise teekaart. Toetuse suuruseks oli 13 160 eurot, projekti toetas Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.